Linggo, Marso 27, 2011

Feeding Program_Barangay Buayan

BARANGAY BUAYAN, PUROK MINANGA, General Santos City ( March 27,2011)

The Office of the City Vice Mayor in partnership with RCR Foundation (Ronnel C. Rivera) conducted a Nutritional Feeding Program for the children of Purok Minanga. A total of 200 children participated in the said activity including the parents. A short program was also conducted to entertain the participants of the program. 

Miyerkules, Marso 23, 2011

Barangay Ligaya Medical /Dental Mission and Feeding Activity

BARANGAY LIGAYA,  General Santos City (March 11, 2011)- The Office of the City Vice Mayor in partnership with RCR Foundation (Ronnel C. Rivera Foundation) conducted a Medical and Dental Mission as part of its outreach program. More than a hundred needy patients from different Puroks underwent medical check ups from the volunteer physicians. On the other hand, about 50 patients received tooth extraction from the volunteer dentists. More than a hundred day care students and malnourished children of the said barangay were treated to a healthy meal.
            There were about a hundred volunteers participated in the said mission which include the Barangay officials, Barangay health workers (BHW), midwives, Barangay nutrition scholars, Barangay tanods, Day Care center teachers, student nurses, youth representatives, and the doctors and dentists.
            Partner- agencies who made the medical and dental mission possible and succesful include the following; RCR Foundation Inc. (lead partner  organization), Sen. Manny Villar (for the medicines), Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP), RCR Youth Core, NDDU College of Nursing, Jescolars Academia International.
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